Who am I?

I'm a developer from Venezuela. I'm currently based in Colombia. I'm 30 years old.

Link to my portfolio

I was actually an economist, but pivoted to development during the pandemic

I have worked with React, Flutter and even Python for some data analysis, but I mostly gravitate towards React.

I'm the creator of Las Lucas, a completely free website that compiles the different exchange rates in Venezuela. It has over 10.000 visits each month.

I'm good at writing chronicles. As in, I-should-be-doing-that-for-a-living kind of good, with multiple publications in big sites like the NTY and the Washington Post.

I learned English by playing Zelda and Star Fox in the Nintendo 64.

Music-wise, I like metal. I used to play the keyboard in a power metal band back in college. I kinda' miss that.

I like exercising, specially running, although I admit that screwing around with data sheets about my performance in Excel was half of the fun. Right now I'm into CrossFit, which I'm terrible at, but it's still lots of fun (what up 6 am squat?).

Open-source Projects

For now this section is better read on my portfolio page which has some nice illustrations, and a handy graph of all of my tech stack. I'm in the process of migrating all of that to this new blog, so this section will eventually be it's own page. For now, it's this very lame list.

Full stack online shop.

Demo | Front-end source code | Back-end source code | Design

A fullstack project powered by Next.js and KeystoneJS. Supports account creation and credit card payments via Stripe. With full CMS support for managing products and accounts with ease. I did the design too 🦄

Ethereum chat

Demo | Source Code

A chat page with Metamask login built in Firebase. It lets you send messages to other ethereum addresses.

Pomodoro Timer

Demo | Source Code

A Pomodoro timer built in React using Redux. I designed it using neumorphism.


Here are some notable publications:

“How Bitcoin Saved My Family”. February 23, 2019. New York Times. Op-ed piece. Published on the printed edition of the Sunday Review.

“On a Date While Venezuela Burns”. August 4, 2017. Op-ed piece. Published on the printed edition of the Sunday Review.

“Binding Constraints, or why the Venezuelan Economy is Screwed”. Caracas Chronicles. November 18, 2016. A review of a study by the Center for International Development (CID) of Harvard Kennedy School about the macroeconomic constrains for investments in Venezuela.

“How I Voted in Venezuela’s (Non) Election”. May 21, 2018. New York Times. Op-ed piece.

“Middle Class and Hungry in Venezuela”. August 16, 2016. New York Times. Op-ed piece.

“In Venezuela, a daily struggle for the basic necessities of life”. April 10, 2018. Washington Post. Op-ed Piece on the Democracy Post section.


As a guy that's always into the bleeding edge of technology, I'm a user of the internet correspondence technology, also known as "electronic mail", contact me at:

cccarlos@duck.com | LinkedIn | Twitter